Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Procrastination Consequences

The consequences of procrastinating really take a toll on you. Even more stress than usual, crying, nerves and frustration. You'd think after my long career as a procrastinator I would have learned by now that its not really recommened and that I should be looking for another career, but then comes exam time or crunch time for a project and you just find so many other things that you would rather be doing, so you say I'm going to do this for a little bit than I'm going to get to work, and that half hour turns into an hour, which turns into a few hours and then you realize you've wasted your entire day on nothing that you wanted to get done. This time I think I've learned my lesson (I hope) and maybe I'll start looking in the classifieds for something along the lines of 'organized, prepared and less stressed'.

xoxo northern eclipse

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