Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Procrastination Consequences

The consequences of procrastinating really take a toll on you. Even more stress than usual, crying, nerves and frustration. You'd think after my long career as a procrastinator I would have learned by now that its not really recommened and that I should be looking for another career, but then comes exam time or crunch time for a project and you just find so many other things that you would rather be doing, so you say I'm going to do this for a little bit than I'm going to get to work, and that half hour turns into an hour, which turns into a few hours and then you realize you've wasted your entire day on nothing that you wanted to get done. This time I think I've learned my lesson (I hope) and maybe I'll start looking in the classifieds for something along the lines of 'organized, prepared and less stressed'.

xoxo northern eclipse

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Forced Feelings

So my dad was talking to one of my roommates today while he visiting and learned that she is flying out at the same time as we are flying out to go on our reading week vacation. Fine, fun fact to know. Heres where the trouble comes in....he offered for her to come back to my house with me and stay in the hotel at the airport with us the night before and come to the airport with us. I'm not so big on this idea, I tend to like to keep my home life and my school life seperate when possible and so this is causing a problem. My dad is now aware that I'm not so thrilled with this little proposition hes made (and neither is my mom so I'm not all alone with this feeling). But both my mom and I don't want to say that we don't want her coming with us because then we feel like we're being the back guys. So there's my delemia, if anyone has any suggestions feel free to pass them alone. Our only 'saving grace' is if my roommate asks her mom and her mom isn't ok with the idea, which I would be very surprised if she wasn't. So heres to feeling like you have no choice in a matter, something I'm sure everyone has gone through, but that still doesn't make it any easier.

xoxo northern eclispe

Monday, February 4, 2008

Winter Blahs

This is the worst time of the year....its cold, snowy, blowy, and grey outside. Christmas break is over and spring break just isn't coming fast enough and to top it off I'm in bed sick, which as we all know has it's advantages and disadvantages. You get to stay in your warm bed in your pj's all day and not leave your house, however sleeping all day and watching movies doesn't exactly help in the getting school work done department. But of course your not alone because everyone else you know is sick too, so that makes you feel that little bit better. So let me know how your feeling and how you feel better when your sick....you may just help someone else feel better and remember, just a few more weeks till spring break!!!

xoxo northern eclipse

Friday, February 1, 2008


Hey readers,

Welcome to 'Dish of the Day', I'm northern eclipse. 'Dish of the Day' is a place for me to share what happens in my life with anyone that is interested, and with how busy my life is theres bound to be some interesting drama going on. Enjoy the ride cause thats the only thing you can do...haha. Until next time.

xoxo northern eclipse